23 September 2019
SMARTEES at the Social Simulation Conference 2019
The SMARTEES project will be introduced to the European Social Simulation Association community at the Social Simulation Conference taking place from 23 to 27 of September in Mainz, Germany.
The conference starts with, among others, a workshop on Cognitive Netlogo Modules, one of the most challenging topics of computationally representing cognitive, social and affective dimensions of human functioning. Later on, Wander Jager and Patrycja Antosz will present their take on the topic, i.e. HUMAT architecture, during Wednesday’s session Policy modelling, and Doug Salt will present a tool we have developed to encrypt data files for input to NetLogo models in the Methods session, which will culminate in a workshop run by Gary Polhill on methods with and for agent-based modelling. Finally, Gary Polhill will talk about prediction on Thursday’s Policy modelling session.
Hope to see you there!